Dreaming, I Swim

Dreaming, I swim
Against the currents,
Crossing the sound,
Beneath the stars,
Between ships large,
Under sharp keels,
Miles beyond my ability
To stony shores;
Out of the cold waters,
I arise refreshed.

I have this recurring dream. I swim across the Puget Sound. The waters are too cold, but I’m not. The distance too far, yet I arrive safely to shore. I don’t know the meaning of this dream nor why it recurs, but each time I arise, I arise refreshed and sure.

Be well,



  1. Dreams like this often come to me too and produce some poetic thoughts. I wonder what it all means too and sometimes do a bit of online reading to see if anythings resonates. Thanks for sharing this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Monty Vern says:

      Thanks for reading and commenting. Always nice to wake up with a bit of inspiration.


  2. murisopsis says:

    It sounds like you are an overcomer! The tasks seem impossible yet you do it – and are revived at your success! That is what life is all about! A good dream.

    As for the poem – it has a rhythm to it. Perhaps the feel of waves or a swimmer’s strokes….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Monty Vern says:

      I like this interpretation!!


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