
My brother and I walk together,
Our slender arms swing in playful unison,
Our heels and toes leave small impressions
Upon the deep footprints our Father has left
In the sand for us to follow.

In the warmth of His loving presence,
We sing songs of joy and laughter,
Of our brotherhood;
We sing in all the tongues of our Lord’s children,
Untaught, but known; unlearned, but understood;
Of our Father unseen, but fully felt.

As we walk and sing, our brothers and sisters join along;
We take their hands in ours and dance carefree;
We sing and dance to exhaustion;
Then lie down resting upon one another and sleep in peace,
Knowing our Father is watching over us,
Knowing His love will keep us warm through the night.

Be well,



  1. murisopsis says:

    Beautifully expressed! We are all brothers and sisters with one loving Father! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Monty Vern says:

      Thank you 🙏


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