Monty’s Blahg

Plum(p) Season

I can hear the falling of the sky. It rumbles and tumbles around me. Washing away the suspended particulates of industry and petrol cars. Streaking through the grime on the windows. Providing relief from the pent up humidity of plum season. A much needed respite from drudging and trudging through the long days. And the…


My brother and I walk together,Hand-in-hand;Our slender arms swing in playful unison,Our heels and toes leave small impressionsUpon the deep footprints our Father has leftIn the sand for us to follow. In the warmth of His loving presence,We sing songs of joy and laughter, Of our brotherhood;We sing in all the tongues of our Lord’s…

I Walk in the Cradle of His Palm

I walk in the cradle of His palm,Lifted ever closer to the light with each step,Following His words, etching the path forward,Understanding that if I falter His grace will catch me,As He has done time after time with Fatherly patience,Righting my path with a loving touch and gentle heart. Be well, Monty


Be well, Monty


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About Monty

Hi, Monty Vern here. I’m a work-in-progress personal blogger, author/ illustrator, and fallible human being. This is the new home for Monty’s Blahg. A place for musings both written and drawn. More

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